„With a brilliant, artistically first-rate concert, the Marchfeld Philharmonic with their conductor Bettina Schmitt opened the "Advent in the spheres of Christmas"...“
(NÖN Bezirk Gänserndorf, Week 50/2009)
„The conductor was Bettina Schmitt, a small, blond and spirited woman with a precise beat.“
(RAINER W. JANKA, 3 May 2008,
„Already the upbeat to the Fledermaus overture gave, in addition to the artistic side of the conductor Bettina Schmitt, a certain athletic impression. Full of vigor and with small jumps in the air, the orchestra‘s vivacious German director held nothing back.“
(Obersteirische Nachrichten, 2/11 Jan. 2008)
„Masterly. The advent concert of the Philharmonic under the direction of the conductor Bettina Schmitt brought a sold-out Gänserndorf Stadthalle, standing ovations and storms of enthusiasm.“
(NÖN Gänserndorf, Week 49/2007)
„The German Requiem is one of the great masterpieces… to perform this demanding work is difficult… the Marchfeld Philharmonic, under the baton of the superb, young and talented conductor Bettina Schmitt, mastered the task brilliantly.“
(NÖN Gänserndorf, Week 14/2005)
„The conductor Bettina Schmitt works carefully and with a great deal of energy to continually improve the tonal balance and the technical quality and intensity of the music.“
(NÖN Gänserndorf, Week 15/2003)
„The conductor Bettina Schmitt stood out, as did the solo artist on the harp, Rita Pawlowitsch.“
(Niederösterreichische Nachrichten, 50/2001)
„The long applause [...] was mostly for the concert master Bettina Schmitt, who had not only shown her conducting mastery, but also, as was so common during the days of Johann Strauss, her prowess as soloist.“
(Niederösterreichische Nachrichten, 19/2001)
„The Marchfeld Philharmonic has had a great triumph in China. […] The musicians of the Philharmonic mastered the challenge superbly and played in top form. This was due, not to a small degree, to the Philharmonic’s conductor, Bettina Schmitt, who managed to bring a sense of calm to the orchestra, even during the most hectic moments.“
(Kurier, 12 Jan. 2001)